There are several different types of encounters that people claim to have had with extraterrestrial life, often categorized by the “close encounter” scale. These categories, primarily developed by UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek, are used to classify the types of experiences people report having with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or alien beings. Here are the most commonly recognized types:
1. Close Encounter of the First Kind (CE1)
- Definition: A sighting of a UFO within close proximity.
- Description: This involves individuals or groups observing a UFO in the sky or nearby, without direct contact or interaction with the craft or its occupants. It’s often a visual observation of lights, shapes, or craft.
- Example: Witnessing a strange object in the sky, like a disc or light, without any direct contact or close approach.
2. Close Encounter of the Second Kind (CE2)
- Definition: Physical evidence left by the UFO or its occupants.
- Description: This involves not just seeing a UFO but also encountering some kind of physical evidence, such as strange marks on the ground, radiation, electrical disturbances, or unusual debris after a UFO sighting.
- Example: A UFO sighting followed by a strange burn mark on the ground or a car’s engine failing after a UFO appeared overhead.
3. Close Encounter of the Third Kind (CE3)
- Definition: Direct contact or sighting of alien beings or entities.
- Description: This type of encounter involves people seeing, interacting with, or even being approached by non-human entities or beings. This is often where the concept of “alien abductions” fits, with the experiencer describing interactions with extraterrestrial beings.
- Example: A person seeing humanoid figures or alien creatures, often described as grey, reptilian, or otherworldly, near or within a UFO.
4. Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind (CE4)
- Definition: Abduction by extraterrestrials.
- Description: This type of encounter is where individuals report being physically taken aboard a UFO, usually for medical examinations or experiments. Many people who claim CE4 experiences report feeling like they lost time or have memories of being on a spacecraft.
- Example: A person is abducted by aliens, taken onto their ship, and later returned with vague memories of the event.
5. Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind (CE5)
- Definition: Human-initiated contact with extraterrestrials.
- Description: This level involves attempts by humans to establish communication or contact with extraterrestrial beings using conscious or telepathic means. The most well-known approach is through meditation or intentional “contact” events.
- Example: A group of individuals gathers to try to make contact with UFOs through meditation, and they experience an event where they claim to have communicated with extraterrestrials.
6. Close Encounter of the Sixth Kind (CE6)
- Definition: Death of a human or animal caused by an extraterrestrial event.
- Description: This level goes beyond the typical sightings and experiences of extraterrestrial life, describing instances where the presence or interaction with UFOs leads to injury or death of a living being.
- Example: An animal or person dies after being involved in a UFO encounter, possibly due to radiation or other unexplained causes linked to the UFO’s presence.
7. Close Encounter of the Seventh Kind (CE7)
- Definition: Human-alien hybridization or reproduction.
- Description: This extremely rare and controversial type of encounter involves the idea that extraterrestrials might engage in reproduction or hybridization with humans, leading to human-alien hybrids. These claims often involve abduction scenarios where individuals are allegedly impregnated or have alien hybrid offspring.
- Example: A person is allegedly impregnated by an alien and later has a child with both human and extraterrestrial traits.
Other Types of Encounters and Phenomena:
- Cattle Mutilations: In some UFO encounter stories, livestock are found mutilated under mysterious circumstances. These cases often coincide with UFO sightings in the area and are attributed by some to extraterrestrials.
- Mysterious Lights: In addition to physical sightings of spacecraft, many people report seeing strange lights or orbs in the sky, often associated with UFO activity.
- Time Loss/Abductions: People who experience a loss of time or cannot explain certain periods of their lives after a UFO encounter may claim to have been abducted or interacted with extraterrestrials during those periods.
These categories help distinguish the varying levels of involvement and intensity of an alleged encounter. Many of these encounters have been subjects of controversy and skepticism, as there is no definitive proof of extraterrestrial involvement in any of these experiences. However, they remain an important part of UFO lore and alien encounter narratives.