Interview: Hesekiel Project

To get to know the Ezekiel Project better, we have set up an interview-style presentation to answer specific questions. We have already received some questions via email and would like to address them here.
Interviewer: Let’s dive right in to explain to others what you actually do. Please explain how the Ezekiel Project came about.
Answer: In the early 2000s, I felt an enormous urge to learn the truth about the origin of religions and human cultures. At that time, I had the impression that something was wrong with the history we were told in classrooms and by mainstream archaeology. Something didn’t add up.
So I started to delve deeper and deeper into the subject and found that I kept hitting a dead end. This dead end was: humans had a cultural history that couldn’t be satisfactorily explained with purely earthly explanations. I remembered that in the early 1990s, I was intensely involved with the Roswell incident and devoured all the literature on the market at the time. However, I quickly realized that the UFO hypothesis quickly reached social limits. And so it faded away until it was reawakened in the 2000s.
Through the internet, I met a Swiss physicist who was also dedicated to this topic. We realized that we got along well, and he later joined the project. Then two electrical engineers joined, and that’s how the project came about. It was never a club or anything like that. It was merely voluntary collaboration on this one topic.
What came out of it was that I was able to develop a talent, as I would call it, that probably always lived within me but that I never understood. I could put myself in the shoes of people from past eras and derive cross-references from things I had picked up somewhere along the line. I carried this talent or burden with me for a long time.
Interviewer: Why do you call it a burden?
Answer: My childhood and youth developed differently than usual. I grew up with my grandparents, from whom I received a lot of love and affection. Especially my grandmother was one of the most important people in my life. I felt unconditional loyalty from her.
For whatever reason, I was always a kind of agony aunt for adults from my late childhood and early youth. Whenever I spent time with adults, they would tell me about their marital problems, their fear of death, or their experiences in World War II, with the most gruesome descriptions, after just a short time. And the strange thing was that it wasn’t just one or two adults, but this has been a common thread throughout my life to this day.
I didn’t realize it at the time, just sat there silently listening. At the same time, during the descriptions, I kept seeing fragments of how the respective adult’s childhood went, how he talked to his partner, for example. Things like that popped into my head like short film sequences, which were completely normal to me at the time.
Until I was almost 30, I had a completely crazy life. I was scattered, my head never calmed down. I rarely slept at night and had a brain that never switched off. I was always driven, as if on drugs. I drove recklessly, did a lot of other things that were very risky. I never took drugs that might have helped me regulate myself, but I always had respect for a substance in my body over which I could lose control. At the same time, I was fascinated by people who took drugs. I observed them during and after consumption and absorbed everything with fascination.
I had a barely regulated life, going from one problem to another. I could tell when people were lying to me, when they were hiding something from me. It was a huge advantage, which I eventually used. I almost always managed to get people to do what I wanted them to do without asking them.
Then my grandmother died, and this marked a turning point in my life. I turned to psychology as a science and learned to heal people in my studies, which is still my profession today. Even there, there were various situations that are inexplicable to other people. There were situations where I sat opposite patients and after about 10 minutes, their entire biography flashed before my inner eye like a movie.
I then confronted the patients with incidents from their biography that they had not mentioned so far and was able to tell them exactly what had happened with which family member. They were the same film fragments that I always perceived in such situations.
The patients reacted very differently. Some cried because they were overwhelmed or perhaps unsettled, one patient accused me of secretly talking to her husband before the sessions. A few others thought I had psychic abilities.
From then on, I used my abilities for good, and for the first time in my life, I felt like I had arrived somewhere.
The project simmered along, we met a few times a year and evaluated sightings and archaeological findings. This hobby was so great, even though it never really led to a goal, but we were always a little closer to the truth.
The project reached its peak in the last four years or so. I learned about remote viewing and the reports by Robert Lazar about the assumption that NHIs communicate via telepathy. I devoured everything there was on the subject: Gate Way Experience, Montauk, Dr. Greer, and remote viewing.
Interviewer: And did you find anything for yourself?
Answer: Yes. I learned that things didn’t work for me the way they do in the CIA files, for example.
For me, there are two very clear differences in the approach to remote viewing. One is to go into a situation that has already happened in the past, the other is remote viewing in which you establish contact with a living person.
Establishing contact with NHIs is something completely different and, in terms of effort, is the easiest overall.
Interviewer: What methods do you use?
Answer: I don’t want to go into detail because it’s certainly very different for each individual who does it. I just want to say that when remote viewing into the past, I use a technique that is about 3,000 years old.
Interviewer: Please let’s take it one step at a time. Start with your first successful remote viewing into the past. What was your most distant viewing, and what do you need for it?
Answer: I need an authentic photograph or a film/video.
On social media, you have a timeline on many platforms. When I signed up on a new platform, I eventually got films of animals being tied up and thrown to monitor lizards to be eaten.
These videos burdened me so much that I couldn’t get the images out of my head. They haunted me for weeks when I was in bed or popped up in my head at work. These images burdened me so much that the creator account was naturally blocked, but the images of the animal’s suffering were firmly etched in my head. It got to the point where I hated this creator and anyone who supported him.
Eventually, I went into remote viewing and tried to banish the burden from my consciousness.
So I lay down and started the process. I have a room that is dedicated to these activities.
After about 10 minutes, I was in, and I saw the scene before my eyes. This time it was different. I perceived noises and smells. And then something happened that sent a shiver down my spine. I turned around and noticed that I was in the middle of the action but couldn’t intervene. I wasn’t perceived either. I turned towards the camera and saw a man in his early 20s with a straight-cut fringe and a thin mustache. His hair was dark brown to black, and he was wearing light blue pants and a beige shirt-like top, like you would wear in India or Pakistan. He was filming with a cell phone.
Then I woke up and was completely shocked at how real everything was.
At the moment of contact, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of sadness and pain. Tears flowed over my temples. However, I don’t know who or what I made contact with. Was it the place or the animal, I don’t know.
I then researched like crazy to find this account and its owner. I finally managed to get a picture of the creator of this account on a second channel. It was the person I had seen in the RV.
Interviewer: How far back did your most distant RV go?
Answer: To the 1950s.
Interviewer: Did it have anything to do with the UFO phenomenon?
Answer: No.
Interviewer: Do you necessarily need a photograph or film, or can it be other images?
Answer: I haven’t tried other things yet, but I think the more abstract, the less likely.
Interviewer: Perhaps at this point again the question: Are you religious, do you believe in God?
Answer: No, not at all.
Interviewer: Now we’re talking about making contact with NHI. There are two less pleasant events.
Answer: That’s right. Both happened in 2024.
I don’t have a name for what I do. I make contact, and then everything is relatively simple.
I don’t have to meditate or go into a trance. I can do it while driving, while sitting on a park bench, or while lying in bed.
Interviewer: How does the whole thing work?
Answer: I think it’s absolutely necessary that an NHI is within range of possible contact. It doesn’t work over long distances. I don’t know the exact distance, of course, but I know when contact is made. Therefore, it can sometimes take a while before I can make contact. When contact is established, everything is very smooth and surprisingly easy.
I can do it when I’m on the open road and there’s no traffic. I can establish contact in such moments.
Which led to an incident in a small town that is even listed in the national register of UFO sightings.
I have a mobile Geiger counter that always accompanies me in the car. Suddenly it sounded an alarm. At first, I thought of a source on the road because it disappeared after about 150 meters. I drove back the route, and again the device reported an alarm up to 13 microsieverts and stopped again after about 150 meters. I drove the route five times and then notified the police because it was on the outskirts of a town, in a wooded area with residential buildings nearby. Then the radiation disappeared, and everything was back to normal.
For the police, the case was closed, they suspected a source in a truck or van. 13 microsieverts is not life-threatening, but it is about the daily dose of radiation you receive.
I leaned forward in the moving car to see through the windshield into the sky and saw a ring structure about 100 meters high, formed by clouds. It was completely inconspicuous. In the ring, the cloud cover behind it seemed somewhat distorted. That was the result of making contact while driving. Not a good idea.
During a second contact, there were high readings on two devices for half an hour. We notified the fire department, and a radiation expert called me back on my cell phone shortly after. He suspected a measurement error because our measuring devices were not suitable and he did not record any unusual readings at two stationary measuring stations a few kilometers away. It was heavily cloudy and raining. Again, this happened shortly after making contact.
This time, however, there was damage to my car, a hybrid vehicle. When I tried to start it shortly after, all sorts of error messages appeared: transmission malfunction, brake assist malfunction, engine defective, please go to a workshop. The vehicle would no longer start. The digital displays went out after a while, and the car had to be towed to a workshop. The car was about 1.5 years old at the time. In the workshop, they still hadn’t found a cause after 5 days. Then they replaced components one by one until it ran again. The vehicle was in the workshop for two weeks.
Interviewer: Do you want to bring a UFO to land?
Answer: Absolutely not. I neither want to take possession of a UFO nor harm the occupants. I just want an explanation of where we come from, and I think this is one way.
Interviewer: These abilities have pushed the project to its limits.
Answer: Yes. People are afraid, which I can absolutely understand. One said he didn’t want to end up with a bullet in his head. Then the fear of radiation exposure. We are still friends and have the same goal, but we no longer share the path there.
Interviewer: Does that mean you’re going this path alone?
Answer: Yes. I can understand that. If I reflect on myself, I have to admit that my path is radical, without knowing if it will ever lead to the truth.
Interviewer: Can you understand that the truth, for example by the CIA, is not published?
Answer: Yes, I can understand that there are concerns that certain things are not published for reasons of national security, but the hunger for the truth remains untouched for me.
Interviewer: Jake Barber reported in an interview with Ross Coulthart that he was overwhelmed to make contact, it was something divinely beautiful, something feminine had entered him. Have you had similar experiences?
Answer: No, I can’t confirm that for myself. I rather have the feeling of affective neutrality, on the other side no empathy arises and I receive something like a consciousness, like a technical interface, as if I were wired with everything. With RV it’s different, there I can definitely perceive emotions.
Interviewer: Can you share these experiences outside the group?
Answer: I tried it once, but then let it go again. If someone doesn’t deal with it intensively, they’ll think you’re a freak. Even in my family, no one knows how far this topic really goes.
Interviewer: Were there contacts with aliens, for example in childhood?
Answer: I wouldn’t rate it as contact with aliens because I don’t know what it was.
I was between 8 and 11 years old. I can narrow it down because I lived in the room where the event took place during that time.
It was broad daylight, I was lying on the floor of my room on the carpet and fell asleep.
At some point, I woke up and was startled. Above me, I saw a face that was white-gray, with red eyes. Not like those of the Greys. They were larger than human eyes but not huge and rather red. You could see an iris and the pupil. I tried to inhale, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move and remember the eyes and how I tried to move my body, but I was paralyzed. I couldn’t get air and thought I was suffocating. I was still lying in my room because I felt the rough carpet on the back of my head. Then I lost consciousness and woke up, feeling about two seconds later, and everything was normal. I could breathe and jumped up. Looked down at myself. The window was wide open, but I couldn’t remember if I had opened it.
Maybe it was just a dream, at least it was incredibly real. I didn’t tell anyone about it because they would have dismissed it as a dream.
Interviewer: Do you think it was an encounter?
Answer: I’ve thought about it a lot, of course. Unlike dreams, which you quickly forget, I’ve stored the experience as a real experience and haven’t forgotten it to this day. But maybe it was just a dream after all.
Interviewer: How will the project continue?
Answer: I will continue to try to make contact, ask questions. I hope that at some point I can access something like a knowledge database. In principle, contact works in terms of a question-and-answer system. I recently received two numbers that we assume are coordinates. However, we can’t make sense of them yet.
I think we have been accompanied for many thousands of years, there have always been alliances with powerful people on this planet, only to be ended again and again.
We will publish videos of our work in the future. We also thought about livestreaming, We want to present a proof that nobody can debunk or discredit. Heading for the truth.